Thursday, April 9, 2009

Casual Perfect Sunday

I made a few dresses for gifts.
My Niece Anica's Birthday is today, I made her her favorite color(yellow)dress with blue cupcake trim. I also added a cupcake embroidered along the bottom with a pin on pink daisy. At a size 4T I was able to make this dress for just under $8.

I was asked to donate to a fundraiser auction and made a pink gingham in the same size with the same style, and price. The auction was a success. The dress went for much more than expected.


  1. What did the dress go for at the auction? Just curious! =) They are very cute!!

  2. The auction is in 2 weeks. I'll let you know, Promise!

  3. Ok Tiffany. The dress went for $11. More than any other item at the rundraiser! So it was a success in my book!
